Wednesday, July 28, 2010

all my mite

from the phylum arthropoda.
everyday.3,5 kids prefer candy over fancy green salad.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

lunar myth

there's only a few reasons you might be reading this: you stumbled on (most unlikely). i have some connection to you (most likely). you're a potential employer (most curious). thank you all for stopping by.

the comic above is by peter bagge @ 2001. (that's copyright 2001).
i would include this page (edited strictly for learning purposes, if need be) in a lesson on the moon and lunar myths. you can click on the comic to make it larger for reading. please feel free to look around while you're here.

for a moon of a slightly different phase look at

Thursday, July 15, 2010


consider this my postcard to you.
hope everyone is healthy.