Sunday, April 19, 2009


there was a time when staying up late resulted in something i could wholly appreciate. now it just seems like work. even this slog feels more an obligation than a labor of love.

i'm not finished with this thought, i just have other responsibilities...

(update, november 11, 2009) "the circle of knowledge commences close round a man and thence stretches out concentrically." -johann pestalozzi

thought finished. for now.

Friday, April 3, 2009


not quite sure. life science?

anyway, i been here. so should been you.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

no slog like an old slog (a sign of something)

a math problem: of the time between slog (posted dec. 19) and tony wagner's seven skills (posted jan. 4); these kids syndrome (obama@nea) (posted jan. 19) and पॉडकास्ट थिस! (posted jan. 21); (one more for the road) (posted feb. 25) and gran idea (posted mar. 1); or these last two, which posts had the longest gap of time between them?
please show your work.

also, which is greater? my need to be humored or the time spent attempting to humor myself?