Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"but will it sell my guns?"

anytime i take on a new task, my imagination of what it will be usually exceeds the realities of what i eventually encounter. there are times though that what i experience is, in fact, "beyond my wildest imagination."

take this slogpost for example. i just deleted ten minutes of cyber-rambling that i imagined someone might be interested in reading.

someday, someday soon i'm hoping, i'll have another "beyond" experience. maybe i'll post or maybe i'll just enjoy it with the people i love.

in the meantime, have some fun or some learning.


  1. I hope you write about your next "beyond experince."

  2. hey porkyshin! perhaps someone out there in cyperland is enjoying your always thought provoking ramblings! maybe they will stop and ponder on the meanings behind the symbols and they will create questions because of your thoughts and theirs meeting. then maybe they will follow up with an investigation (or 2) that they will design to try answer their questions. or maybe those thoughts are just lost to the rest of us and we will have to wait for your next posting.

    either way, keep on ramble-slogging!

  3. i see that prufrock made the everyday!
