looking for a good history lesson idea, i thought of this crumb comic that i'd seen as a video. of course, why stop at perfection? so, the inclusion of two others that address the topic in different ways. there was a third from bowling for columbine that is certainly worth a view, but didn't fit into my clever red, white, and blue scheme. anyway, visuals rule any learning. what's to learn from crumb's short history? time = history; short or otherwise.
today i was again reminded of what is and what should be. a speaker at the school told the kids, "whatever it is, keep going at it, keep [expletive]ing going at it." a friend of my classroom teacher, he attended pilgrim high before making his mark in hollywood, realizing recently his lifelong dream of appearing on the cover of fangoria magazine.
meanwhile, my slog seems to have taken on a life of its own, "revealing one earlier event of the evening's entertainment."
if i knew what any of it meant, i'd probably just keep it to myself.
and this is kind of funny.
there's got to be a social studies lesson here somewhere.