Monday, September 13, 2010

spitting image

i was reminded of a trip to chicago when i heard a story recently of an (alleged) exchange of body fluid between a student and teacher.
advice for the classroom: "don't forget your umbrella."

chris ware is from chicago.

Monday, September 6, 2010

my leg really hurts

"it has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues." - abraham lincoln

this morning the neighbor's dog came into the yard and grabbed our groundhog in her mouth, shook it side to side and left it for dead. it wasn't really our groundhog, so to speak, but it was always in the yard cleaning the fallen apples. groundhogs are pretty cute to watch, but now that one's dead. later, on a bike ride, my leg became increasingly painful with each mile i pedaled, like it was caught in a vise that was being turned slowly. during my five hours in the emergency room, i thought about how one of the best tools in the shop is the vise. i never stuck a groundhog, a dog, or any animal for that matter, in the vise when i was younger, but i did stick, on several occasions, inanimate objects in there to be beaten mercilessly by a hammer. i wish the neighbor's dog would come chew my leg off.