Tuesday, November 17, 2009

big unit

i'm realizing this teaching thing is kind of difficult. being prepared and aligned is a lot tougher of a task than i had previously thought. at this writing, i'm attacking the final assignment of 5012, the unit. it's changed so many times in the past month or so that it's virtually unrecognizable as the unit i started with. it's downright intimidating, like a randy johnson fastball. truth be told, i've never faced a randy johnson fastball, but i am facing this big unit.


  1. This doesn't seem like the appropriate place for this, but I don't know what is the appropriate place. So here it is.


    Maybe it's interesting. Maybe it's not. But I saw it. And thought I should share.

  2. I also don't know how to make the link a link...

  3. i'm honored to learn of a slogger i hadn't previously been aware of.
    also, the link is interesting.

  4. hope you are having as much fun and fumbling as i am
